What it is
When an Initial Coin Offering (ICO) is listed on an exchange it gives the public an opportunity to purchase that ICO in what results in a token sale. Tokens are purchased by investors who are interested in the company behind the ICO and with that token purchase the investor can use it as they please whether that be for trading, a form of currency to purchase goods or services, or to show stake in the company. When a token is listed on an exchange it is important to note if that token is considered a security or a utility.
What we do
We support start-ups in their Token & Coin Compliance, DeFi Launch & Compliance, and SEC No-Action relief and FinHUB engagement. At each stage we facilitate smooth business processes by ensuring that regulatory compliance and protecting interests of the client.
- Token & Coin Compliance
- DeFi Launch & Compliance
- SEC No-Action Relief
- FinHUB Engagement
- Offshore Entity Formation